IWMF is currently accepting third-party nominations (no self-nominations) in English, Spanish and French for the 2024 Courage in Journalism Awards!

The IWMF’s annual Courage in Journalism Awards honour women and non-binary journalists who set themselves apart by exhibiting extraordinary bravery, persistence and resilience. This includes the Wallis Annenberg Justice for Women Journalists Award intended for women and non-binary journalists who are detained, jailed or imprisoned. Doing whatever it takes to uncover the truth, they raise the bar for reporting under duress, or in the face of censorship.

Press freedom is under assault worldwide from a variety of sources, including sexual harassment, threats, attacks, government oppression, a persistent glass ceiling, unequal compensation, claims of false news, and a growing mistrust of the media. And the victims of these assaults are frequently women journalists. Seventy-three percent of female journalists questioned by UNESCO reported having been victims of online violence as a result of their job.

The IWMF is the only global organization built to serve the holistic needs of women and nonbinary journalists. IWMF is a bold and inclusive organization that supports journalists where they are with awards, reporting opportunities, fellowships, grants, safety training and emergency aid. As one of the largest supporters of women-produced journalism, our transformative work strengthens equal opportunity and press freedom worldwide.

The Courage in Journalism Awards demonstrate to the public that female journalists will not back down, that they are unstoppable, and that they should be honoured for their bravery in the face of hardship. IWMF pays tribute to the courageous reporters who uncover hidden stories, operate in unwelcoming workplaces for women, and deliver hard news.

The awards program honours brave journalists – including photojournalists – working in any country across the world. They report on taboo topics, immerse themselves in hostile environments and share difficult truths. In addition, the honourees demonstrate a commitment to press freedom and often overcome unjust conditions online and offline to become leaders in their industry.


Online, United States


  • Honourees receive recognition at events across the U.S.
  • And a cash prize.


  • Candidates for the Courage in Journalism Awards must be full-time staff or freelance women or non-binary reporters, writers, editors, photographers or producers working in any country and of any nationality.
Eligible Regions: Open for All.

Application Process

  • Visit the Apply link by clicking on the “APPLY NOW” button.
  • Create and login to your account.
  • Complete the form with necessary information as instructed.

Application Deadline: March 4, 2024

Application ClosedOfficial link

For Further Queries

If you are experiencing any accessibility/connectivity issues with the application process, please contact at - [email protected]
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