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Call for entries for the 2024 26th International Short Film Festival Posters Contest!

The Councilorship of Youth of Soria’s Local Government open calls for the 26th International Short Film Festival Contest “Ciudad de Soria” posters submission. The winning poster will be the 26th International Short Film Festival Contest image.

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The 26th International Short Film Festival “Ciudad de Soria” Poster Contest aims to encourage artists and designers creativity around the world, spreading cinematographic culture, as well as drawing attention to the Festival image at a national and international level. The theme is free. Pictorial, photographic or digital composition is accepted. It will be valued that the poster has a relationship with the guest country, which, this year, will be Brazil.

One of the challenges of the Soria City Council is to promote feminism in each of the departments, applying the gender perspective in the different projects in order to reverse the data that indicates that women continue to suffer invisibility, discrimination and violence. sexist To this end, a comprehensive plan has been implemented to help review the path taken in order to improve actions. In this sense, the Department of Youth, promoter of the contest for the creation of the poster that will constitute the image of the XXVI Edition of the “CITY OF SORIA” International Short Film Contest, joins the roadmap of the Sustainable Development Goals for implementation Goal 5 related to Gender Equality, because “gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but is one of the essential foundations for building a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.” For this reason, posters with signs of homophobia, racism, machismo, etc. are not allowed; nor with typical and/or stereotypical representations of women and/or the sexualization of women and their bodies.

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1. Youth Opportunities: https://m.me/j/AbZTmgEzD1UchDte/
2. Fully Funded Conferences: https://m.me/j/AbZTfhFTiPCnXf2D/
3. Full Scholarships: https://m.me/j/AbbrjbkOMM6I68Cs/
4. Paid Internships/Jobs: https://m.me/j/AbaAskb6jFFnRser/
5. Circle: https://m.me/j/AbY0vVKSPJULUnE4/

The author of the winning poster must provide the necessary elements, fonts and files at final size and 300 dpi. If they were a digital image, in layers. If it is of vector origin, open . All this with the intention of being able to adapt her work to the different supports, formats and applications necessary for the promotion and dissemination of the Contest.

The jury will be made up of experts in design, art and/or drawing appointed by the Youth Department of the City Council. The jury’s decision will be made public on the Festival website, with prior notification directly to the winner of the contest. The jury’s decisions will be final. The contestants, by the mere fact of participating in this contest, expressly renounce the exercise of all types of claims against their resolutions.




  • A sole award of €1000 will be granted.

Note: The corresponding taxes established by the law will be discounted from it.


  • This contest is open to designers, artists and content creators from all over the world, from every nationality.
  • Interested in participating, either as a team or as an individual author, may do so. You may present one poster per author tops.
Eligible Regions: Open for All.

Application Process

  • The authors who participate in the contest must make their design in JPG Din A/4 format and 72dpi vertically via e-mail to: [email protected]

The email sent to the organization must contain the following information:

  • Subject: Soria 2024 Short Film Contest Poster Competition + Title of the work.
    Two attached files in order to maintain the anonymity of the author:
  • File with the final Art:
    · Vertical JPG format at Din A/4 size and 72 dpi.
    (Files with layers or unplotted texts will not be accepted in this phase)
  • The following text must appear clearly visible in the works presented:
  • File with the author’s data in Word/Notepad:
    · Name of the author (and/or name of the company if applicable)
    · Place of origin (locality/province/country)
    · Telephone contact
    · Contact email
    · Identification document
    · Responsible declaration regarding the authorship of the poster and the transfer of use
    · Social networks.

Application Deadline: June 21, 2024

Application ClosedOfficial link

For Further Queries

For further queries you may contact Tel: (+34) 975 233 069 (+34) 607 303 257 | E-mail: [email protected]
Disclaimer: Youth Opportunities spreads opportunities for your convenience and ease based on available information, and thus, does not take any responsibility of unintended alternative or inaccurate information. As this is not the official page, we recommend you to visit the official website of opportunity provider for complete information. For organizations, this opportunity is shared with sole purpose of promoting “Access to Information” for all and should not be associated with any other purposes.

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