Cambridge Upper Secondary Science Competition 2019

Cambridge International is pleased to introduce a competition for upper secondary learners (typically 14 to 16 years). Cambridge International wants to give learners the opportunity to develop their passion for science through practical work, investigating topics of interest and using the scientific method. They also want to promote the attributes of a Cambridge learner through collaboration and communication, promoting innovation and creativity. The Cambridge Upper Secondary Science Competition is for teams of three to six learners working on a project outside normal curriculum time. Teams choose a topic for their project and complete it over 20-25 hours. They then produce a portfolio of work and present it to their teacher and peers. Teachers assess the projects using the mark scheme provided. Upon completion, teams will be awarded a Participation (1 to 5 marks out of 15), Bronze (6 to 9 marks out of 15), Silver (10 to 12 marks out of 15) or Gold (13 to 15 marks out of 15) certificate.

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The judges will select one winner for each region from the Gold submissions. Each regional winner will receive individual medals for each team member and a letter of recognition. The top three regional teams will be invited to a video interview with our panel of judges so that they can select the overall global winner. The winning team will receive Gold medals, a letter of commendation, a plaque of recognition for the school and may be featured in a future edition of Cambridge Outlook magazine.

Cambridge programmes and qualifications set the global standard for international education. They are created by subject experts, rooted in academic rigour and reflect the latest educational research. The four stages of the Cambridge Pathway lead seamlessly from primary through secondary and pre-university years. Schools can shape the curriculum around how they want students to learn. Every year, nearly a million Cambridge learners prepare for their future with an education from Cambridge International. Together with schools, Cambridge Assessment International Education develop Cambridge learners who are confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged – equipped for success in the modern world.




  • Cambridge International will award a total of eight regional winners, chosen from the Gold Portfolios submitted before the deadline outlined above. From the eight regional winners, one team shall be declared the overall winner. Cambridge International reserves the right to contact the Entrant for additional information before selecting the overall winner.
  • The eight regions are: North America; Latin America; Europe (including UK); Sub-Saharan Africa; Middle East and North Africa; South Asia; East Asia; and South East Asia and Pacific.
  • Each regional winner will receive:
    • Individual medals for each team member
    • A letter of recognition from the Director, Education at Cambridge International.
  • The overall global winner will receive:
    • Individual medals for each team member
    • A letter of recognition from the Director, Education at Cambridge International
    • A plaque of recognition for the school
    • The opportunity to feature in Cambridge Outlook magazine and/or on the Cambridge International website.
  • Prizes are granted at Cambridge International’s sole discretion and may be subject to change at any time without notice. No cash or other alternative prizes may be requested by any winning Entrant.


  • The ‘Entrant’ to the competition shall be the school, on behalf of its students. Each Entrant must ensure all students taking part in the competition are aware of and agree to these terms and conditions and freely consent to their work and personal data being submitted to Cambridge International under this competition.
  • Each Entry must consist of teams containing a minimum of three (3) and maximum of six (6).
  • Cambridge students between the ages of 14 and 16, attending the school of the Entrant and studying for Cambridge IGCSE(s) or O Level(s) at the time of submission of the Entry are eligible.
  • Employees and contractors of the University of Cambridge and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter the competition as a team member. Only Cambridge International Schools, or Cambridge Associate Centres, may be Entrants to the competition.
  • Cambridge International shall only accept one Entry per team of students, and each student may only sit on one team per competition. Should an Entrant be discovered to have submitted more than one Entry per team of students, or allowed any student(s) to sit on more than one team, the affected Entries shall be deleted at Cambridge International’s sole discretion.
Eligible Regions: North America; Latin America; Europe (including UK); Sub-Saharan Africa; Middle East and North Africa; South Asia; East Asia; and South East Asia and Pacific.

Application Process

  • Each Entry must be submitted electronically to Cambridge International using the entry form on the public website from the Apply Now link.
  • The Entrants shall be provided with a link to the support material, which includes a Teacher Guide and Learner Guide, which contain guidance for the creation of the Portfolios and a mark scheme for teachers, upon successful registration of an Entry. Entrants must ensure they mark their Entries’ Portfolios accurately in accordance with the mark scheme.
  • Each team Entry shall be required to produce a portfolio (‘the Portfolio’), containing their competition entry. Only one Portfolio may be entered per Entry. Portfolio requirements and subject matter guidelines are set out in the Teacher Guide and Learner Guide.
  • The Entrants must arrange for their teachers to mark all the Portfolios ahead of the final submission date of 30 April 2019.
  • Any Entry with a Portfolio awarded a ‘Gold’ grade (being a mark of 13/15 or above, internally marked by a teacher of the Entrant in accordance with the mark scheme in the Teacher Guide) can be submitted to Cambridge International for consideration for the best overall project and annual global winner of the competition. Cambridge International will also select regional winners. All Gold projects for consideration must be submitted electronically to [email protected] before 30 April 2019.
  • Gold-graded Portfolios must be submitted along with a mark sheet detailing all of the marks awarded to all teams entered for the competition.
  • Portfolios submitted to Cambridge International must conform to the following specifications: File format – PDF; file size – maximum of 10MB; file name – set out in the format date (mm/yy)_centrenumber_teamname.pdf
  • If an Entrant is responsible for submitting more than one Gold Portfolio, please ensure each Portfolio is submitted individually or in separate folders within a Zip file, and each is clearly marked with the relevant team name given in the original Entry.
  • All resources used in the creation of the Portfolio, including any visual material, must be the original creations of that team. Portfolios must not contain any third party copyright materials and/or registered trademarks/logos from well-known brands. Any breach of this clause may result in an entry being rejected.
  • Any Entries where the Portfolio does not meet the required standard for Gold should not be submitted to Cambridge International.
  • Cambridge International will acknowledge receipt of the submissions of Gold-graded Portfolios within 10 working days of receipt.
  • Cambridge International reserves the right to reject any Entry at any time if it has reasonable grounds to believe the Entrant has breached any of these terms and conditions.
  • The decision of Cambridge International to accept or reject an Entry is final, and Cambridge International will not enter into any further correspondence regarding their decision.
  • Check the official website for further details.

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Application Deadline: January 31, 2019

Application ClosedOfficial link
Disclaimer: Youth Opportunities spreads opportunities for your convenience and ease based on available information, and thus, does not take any responsibility of unintended alternative or inaccurate information. As this is not the official page, we recommend you to visit the official website of opportunity provider for complete information. For organizations, this opportunity is shared with sole purpose of promoting “Access to Information” for all and should not be associated with any other purposes.

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